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CBS News/New York Times Monthly Poll #1, September 2006

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This poll, conducted September 15-19, 2006, is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicit public opinion on the presidency and on a range of other political and social issues. Resp...

This poll, conducted September 15-19, 2006, is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicit public opinion on the presidency and on a range of other political and social issues. Respondents were asked whether they approved of the way President George W. Bush was handling the presidency and issues such as foreign policy and the economy. Respondents were asked to voice their views and concerns about the most important problem facing the country, the condition of the national economy, their own household's financial security, how things were going in the United States compared to five years ago, and how they expected things would be in the future. Opinions were collected on members of the United States Congress, Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the Republican and Democratic parties. A series of questions addressed the upcoming congressional election, which issues should be the priority of the Congress elected in November, and how often the federal government could be trusted to do what was right. Opinions were solicited on the campaign against terrorism, the war in Iraq, the United States involvement in the Middle East, al Qaeda, the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, the treatment of terrorist suspects, the country of Israel, and the possible development of nuclear weapons in Iran. Information was also collected on how often respondents purchased environmentally friendly products and engaged in environmentally friendly acts. Demographic information includes sex, age, race, education level, household income, marital status, religious preference, political party affiliation, political philosophy, voter registration status and participation history, type of residential area (e.g., urban or rural), the presence of children and household members between the ages of 18 and 24, and whether respondents considered themselves to be born-again Christians.Cf:



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