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Good Evening Mr. Wallenberg


This Swedish feature film chronicles the last days of the war in Budapest. The Soviet noose is tightening around the city, yet the unrelenting mass murder of Jews continues. Raoul Wallenberg, an at...

This Swedish feature film chronicles the last days of the war in Budapest. The Soviet noose is tightening around the city, yet the unrelenting mass murder of Jews continues. Raoul Wallenberg, an attache to the Swedish Embassy, was sent at the initiative of Swedish Jewish businessmen on mission to rescue Hungarian Jews. He distributed Swedish papers ("Wallenberg passports"), protected Jews in "Wallenberg houses," internationalized the ghetto to give the 33,000 Jews within it more protections, and saved thousands of Jews from deportation. On January 17, 1945, Wallenberg was taken to Moscow as a Soviet prisoner. He was never released, and his fate has remained a mystery.



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