Books; Microforms

The English school-master : Teaching all his scholars, of what age soever, the most easie, short, and perfect order of distinct reading, and true writing our English-tongue, that hath ever yet been known or published by any. And further also, teacheth a direct course, how any unskilful person may easily both understand any hard English words, which they shall in Scriptures, sermons, or else-where, hear or read, and also be made able to use the same aptly themselves; and generally whatsoever is necessary to be known for the English speech: so that he which hath this book only, needeth to buy no other to make him fit from his letters to the grammer-school, for an apprentice, or any other private use, so far as concerneth English. And therefore it is made not only for children, though the first book be meer childish for them, but also for all other; especially for those that are ignorant in the Latine tongue. In the next page the school-master hangeth forth his table to the view of all beholders, setting forth some

English schoole-maister
Author / Creator
Coote, Edmund, active 1597
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