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The most excellent and famous history of the most renowned knight, Amadis of Greece, surnam'd, the Knight of the Burning Sword, son to Lisvart of Greece, and the fair Onoloria of Trebisond : Representing his education in the court of King Magadan, his conquering of the defended mountain, his combat with his grandfather the Emperor Esplandian, his killing Frandalon the Ciclops, and falling in love with Lucella, daughter to Alpatracy King of Sicily, his arrival in the isle of Argenes, where he put an end to the enchantments of Queen Zirfea, his assisting his great-grandfather King Amadis in the island of the great Siclades, and in respect to him taking on himself the name of Amadis of Greece: together with the high and noble enterprizes of his cozen Lucencio, Gradamart son to the King of the Giants island, Birmartes son to the King of Spain, and many other noble knights and gallant ladies: all no less useful, than pleasant. Humbly addrest to the beauties of Great Brittain. By a person of quallity. Licensed according to order

Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 9. English.
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