Books; Microforms

Relation of the most remarkable proceedings at the late assizes at Northampton : Conteyning truely and fully, the tryals, confessions, and execution of a most mischievous witch, notorious high-way-man, barbarous murderess. The first being Mary Forster, who by witchcraft destroyed above 30 sheep belonging to one Joseph Weedon, and afterwards burned to the ground his dwelling-house, and two large barns, full of corn and hay: to his damage above 300l. With her confession of the fact, how, and why she did it: and askign him forgiveness for the same. And a wonderful experiment of her divelish skill shewed in the goal, after she was condemned. The second a high-way-man, who had been 14 times in goal, and before his death discovered several others. The third a young wench that killed her child, with the strange means how the same was discovered, and her penitent behaviour at the execution. Who all suffered at Northampton aforesaid, Saturday, Aug. 22. 1674

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