Books; Microforms

A view of the penal laws concerning trade and trafick, : alphabetically disposed under proper heads. Wherein, for that purpose are collected all the statutes, to the end of the last sessions 1697. Viz. relating to brewers, brokers, boatmen, carriers, curriers, coachmen, coalmongers, cordwainers, clothiers, &c. Diillers [sic], fishers, fowlers, glass-makers, gold-smiths, silver-smith, leather sellers, tanners, &c. Maulsters, minters, merchants and marriners, pipe-makers, prisoners and debtors, pedlars and hawkers, paper and parchment-makers, &c. Salt makers and salters, silkthrowsters, stock-jobbers, &c. Vintners and wine-coopers, wool-mongers and exporters of wooll, with many others. Also some necessary additions of penalties and forfeitures, collected and published by way of monition, as well to offenders as informers. To which is added a table of such offences, &c. as are punishable in the Crown-Office. Useful for all merchants, tradesmen, artificers, &c

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