Books; Microforms

A tragical historie of the troubles and civile warres of the lowe Countries, otherwise called Flanders : Wherein, is sett forthe the original and full proceeding of the saied troubles and civile warres, with all the stratagemes, sieges, forceble takinges, and manlike defenses, of divers and sondrie cities, tounes, and fortresses of the same, together, the barbarous crueltie and tyrannie of the Spaniard, and trecherous hispaniolized Wallons, [and] others of the saied lowe Countreis. And there withall, the estate and cause of religion, especially, from the yere 1559. unto the yere 1581. Besides many letters, commissions, contractes of peace, unions, articles and agrementes, published and proclaimed in the saied provinces. Translated out of French into Englishe, by T.S. ge[n]t

Chronyc. historie der Nederlandtscher oorlogen, troublen enn oproeren oorspronck, anvanck enn eynde, item den standt der religien, tot desen jare 1580. English.
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