Books; Microforms

The fables of Esope in Englishe : with all his life and fortune, howe he was subtil, wise, and borne in Grece, nat farre from Troye the greate in a towne named Amoneo, he was of all othermen most diffourmed and evl shapen. For he had a greate heed, large visage, longe iawes, sharpe eyen, a shorte necke, crokebacked, greate belly, greate legges, large fete. And yet that whiche was worse, he was dombe and coulde nat speke: But nat withstandyng this he hadde a singuler wytte, and was greatly ingenious and subtill in cavillacions, and pleasant in wordes, after he came to his speche

Aesop's fables. English
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