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My Brother the Terrorist

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Award winning filmmaker Robb Leech attempts to discover what changed his stepbrother Rich – subject of his acclaimed documentary My Brother the Islamist – from a radical convert to a dangerous conv...

Award winning filmmaker Robb Leech attempts to discover what changed his stepbrother Rich – subject of his acclaimed documentary My Brother the Islamist – from a radical convert to a dangerous convicted terrorist. British man Richard Dart, now known as Salahuddin, received a six year jail sentence in April 2013 for preparing acts of terrorism. Having previously sought to understand what made Rich reject everything his family and country stood for, Robb now wants to know what, if anything, could have kept him from this fate. Robb’s journey takes him from London to known hotbeds of Islamic radicalism internationally – but his personal investigation starts with Anjem Choudary, the controversial cleric who led Rich's conversion to radical Islam. A BBC Production.


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