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Sons of Perdition

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A member of the Oprah Winfrey Documentary Club, the film Sons of Perdition follows three teenagers who escape from the chokehold of the secretive and unconventional polygamist FLDS religion and fin...

A member of the Oprah Winfrey Documentary Club, the film Sons of Perdition follows three teenagers who escape from the chokehold of the secretive and unconventional polygamist FLDS religion and find themselves without family or money, struggling to make a future outside the constraints of the only existence they've ever known. Utilizing secret religious sermons and haunting testimony, the film also details the plight of the tyrannical prophet Warren Jeffs and reveals the struggles of life inside a polygamist society. The result is an astonishing mix of coming-of-age adventure, investigative journalism, and heartwarming drama, adding up to a remarkable story that has inspired audiences worldwide.


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