
The celebrated trial, Madeline Pollard vs. Breckinridge : the nost noted breach of promise suit in the history of court records : containing a graphic story of the sensational incidents in the joint lives of the now famous litigants, as given in their own words : the two stories differ widely as to the material facts in the case : testimony of the Kentucky school girl directly contradicts the story of the silver-tongued orator and statesman : testimony of prominent witnesses from various states uncovering startling incidents in the lives of plaintiff and defendant : the surprising disclosures and dramatic scenes that filled the court room with a throng of excited spectators fully described : the most sensational testimony ever produced in court : one of the most dramatic and hotly contested legal battles of modern times : an array of legal talent barely equaled in court annals in point of ability and eloquence : Judge Bradley's charge to the jury : speeches of counsel and decision of the jury : to which is added complete biography of Col. Breckinridge and Miss Pollard, his college days, war record, prominence in Congress : with many portraits and illustrations

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Trial of William Campbell Preston Breckenridge who was being sued by Miss Madeline Pollard for $50,000 in a breach of promise suit. Accused of promising to marry Miss Pollard and fathering a child ...

Trial of William Campbell Preston Breckenridge who was being sued by Miss Madeline Pollard for $50,000 in a breach of promise suit. Accused of promising to marry Miss Pollard and fathering a child and then failing to fulfill his promise. He was found guilty.


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