
Trial of Robert M. Goodwin, on an indictment of manslaughter for killing James Stoughton, Esq. in Broadway, in the city of New-York, on the 21st day of December, 1819 : tried at the Court of General Sessions of the Peace held in and for the body of the city and county of New-York. Including the arguments of counsel and opinions and orders of the court on a motion to bail the prisoner, previous to his trial, after the finding of a coroner's inquest of wilful murder, and a verdict by a grand jury of manslaughter. And a further motion to bail on the petit jury being polled and disagreeing in their verdict, and being final discharge at the close of the session, after a trial which lasted five days, having began on the 14th and ended on the 18th day of March, 1820. And also a motion to bail on a writ of habeas corpus before His Honour the mayor, at his office in the City-hall. And a like motion before His Honour Chief Justice Spencer, at his chambers, with his opinion and order to admit the prisoner to bail

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