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The third episode follows the stories of women who are working to promote gender equality within their own religious faiths. The episode follows lawyer and Orthodox Jew, Riki Shapira, and Muslim jo...

The third episode follows the stories of women who are working to promote gender equality within their own religious faiths. The episode follows lawyer and Orthodox Jew, Riki Shapira, and Muslim journalist Asra Nomani, both campaigning for women's religious rights and the right to pray alongside men; Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, an excommunicated Catholic bishop determined to lead within her own faith; Inna Shevchenko, founder of feminist activist group FEMEN; and the Buddhist monk, Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, who is on a mission to build up bhikkhuni sangha (female monkhood) in Thailand, where it is illegal for women to be monks.


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