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Thematic map & release : resolving core beliefs after trauma


Dr Anna B. Baranowsky presents Thematic Map and Release for the Traumatology Interest Network section of the American Counseling Association, host of Trauma Bytes. The approach was developed for pr...

Dr Anna B. Baranowsky presents Thematic Map and Release for the Traumatology Interest Network section of the American Counseling Association, host of Trauma Bytes. The approach was developed for practice within a Tri-Phasic Trauma Therapy model. TMandR is a Phase II (working through trauma) intervention. She describes the tri-phasic model and methods for introducing TMandR. TMandR is used to identify rigidly held beliefs that result in emotional strain and negative cognition. The Diagnostic Criterion for PTSD now addresses Negative Perceptions and beliefs as part of Criterion D. Traumagenic Perception is directly addressed within this process and release exercise. QandA's follow the presentation.


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