
Highlights of Three FY2013 Budget Proposals for the Human Resources "Superfunction" : Education, Training, Social Services, Health, Income Security, and Veterans

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Explains concepts of budget "functions" and "superfunctions," and provides brief discussion of P.L. 112-25, the Budget Control Act of 2011, which placed limits on discretionary spending for FY2012-...

Explains concepts of budget "functions" and "superfunctions," and provides brief discussion of P.L. 112-25, the Budget Control Act of 2011, which placed limits on discretionary spending for FY2012-FY2021 and established an automatic spending reduction procedure. Highlights and compares projected spending trends and policy initiatives in three distinct proposals, including the Obama Administration FY2013 budget, House budget resolution, and Conrad/Fiscal Commission resolution. Focuses specifically on proposals affecting programs in six functional budget categories that comprise the human resources "superfunction," including education, training, employment, and social services; health; Medicare; income security; social security; and veterans benefits and services. Includes tables and graphs.


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