Citation Data


Hobkirk, Charles C. P. (Charles Codrington Pressick), 1837-1902. A Synopsis of the British Mosses : Containing Descriptions of All the Genera and Species, (with Localities of the Rarer Ones) Found in Great Britain and Ireland, Based upon Wilson's "Bryologia Britannica," Schimper's "Synopsis," Etc. London :L. Reeve & Co., 1873.


Hobkirk, Charles C. P. (Charles Codrington Pressick), 1837-1902. (1873). A synopsis of the British mosses : containing descriptions of all the genera and species, (with localities of the rarer ones) found in Great Britain and Ireland, based upon Wilson's "Bryologia Britannica," Schimper's "Synopsis," etc. London :L. Reeve & Co.,


Hobkirk, Charles C. P. (Charles Codrington Pressick), 1837-1902. A Synopsis of the British Mosses : Containing Descriptions of All the Genera and Species, (with Localities of the Rarer Ones) Found in Great Britain and Ireland, Based upon Wilson's "Bryologia Britannica," Schimper's "Synopsis," Etc. London :L. Reeve & Co., 1873.

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