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Why Worry?

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Harold plays wealthy hypochondriac Harold van Pelham, who travels with his private nurse (Jobyna Ralston) to the fictious island of Paradiso to live blissfully in a warm climate in order to regain ...

Harold plays wealthy hypochondriac Harold van Pelham, who travels with his private nurse (Jobyna Ralston) to the fictious island of Paradiso to live blissfully in a warm climate in order to regain his health. In Paradiso, he finds himself in the middle of a revolution, which Harold assumes is being staged as an entertainment for his amusement.. With the aide of an eight feet nine inch giant named Colosso (Johan Aasen), Harold crushes the rebellion and the excitement cures him of his imagined ailments. Why Worry? is unquestionably on of Lloyd’s most hilarious comedies..


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