
Marketing transit services to business

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Public transportation agencies have traditionally marketed their services directly to riders and potential riders. In response to changing market conditions, however, a number of transit agencies h...

Public transportation agencies have traditionally marketed their services directly to riders and potential riders. In response to changing market conditions, however, a number of transit agencies have begun to direct more of their marketing efforts toward businesses. Nonetheless, the transit industry, in general, has less experience in business-to-business marketing than do for-profit industries. In an effort to learn the most effective strategies and techniques from the for-profit sector, the early research for this project focused on large, private companies in exceptionally competitive industries. At the same time, transit agency examples of product and service development, design, and marketing were documented. After these broader efforts were completed, more detailed analyses of particularly innovative transit properties, one multinational bank and one large non-profit HMO, were conducted. The findings from both phases of the project are summarized in this report.


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