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Afghanistan : the price of revenge

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By 2014, the withdrawal of all international troops from Afghanistan will be completed. In October 2001 the United States launched the war against Afghanistan, with the whole world by its side, in ...

By 2014, the withdrawal of all international troops from Afghanistan will be completed. In October 2001 the United States launched the war against Afghanistan, with the whole world by its side, in an act of self-defence after the attacks of 9/11. Today, the troops of the coalition are gradually packing up. They lost over 3000 soldiers and leave behind a country on the brink of civil war and bloodshed ... The official rhetoric has not stood up to the stark reality on the ground. Bin Laden? Found and killed ... elsewhere, in Pakistan. Al-Qaeda and the Taliban? An ideological combination conveniently cooked up by the hawks in Washington. The fate of Afghan women? An excuse to sell this war to public opinion. All parties to the conflict - members of the American secret service, commanders of U.S. armed forces, Taliban officials, Afghan warlords and tribal leaders, UN negotiators, Pakistani leaders and secret service, NGO officials - give their view and unravel the tangled web of a war that had no other motive than America's thirst for revenge. For eleven years, Western democracies promised Afghanistan a better future ... only to leave the country today in a state of wide-spread corruption, disillusion, with thousands of lives lost and the Taliban more powerful than ever. Afghanistan was the ideal target.


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