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Beating the Bottom Line

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Businesses on the verge of shutdown are rescued by creative partnerships enlisting management, labor, and communities in the common goal of providing for the long-term good of all. In this concludi...

Businesses on the verge of shutdown are rescued by creative partnerships enlisting management, labor, and communities in the common goal of providing for the long-term good of all. In this concluding episode of Surviving the Bottom Line, Smith finds companies that are generating new jobs and keeping work in America, while still achieving the New Economy's competitive goals. Practical lessons in innovative power-sharing arrangements between labor and management are gleaned from powerful examples in the U.S., where companies like the Hathaway shirt factory and Northwest Airlines have recovered from the brink of collapse. Experience from countries such as Holland and Canada points to new ways America can support and protect its growing mass of temp workers and use workers' pension funds to help both business and labor-with partnerships being the key to success.


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