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Baghdad ER

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Combat-zone medicine has inspired innovations in civilian trauma care for decades. A particularly compelling model can be found in Iraq, where injured troops have a 90 percent chance of survival. T...

Combat-zone medicine has inspired innovations in civilian trauma care for decades. A particularly compelling model can be found in Iraq, where injured troops have a 90 percent chance of survival. The success rate is due to the U.S. Army's 86th Combat Support Hospital, formerly one of Saddam Hussein's elite medical centers. This sobering and profoundly moving documentary shows viewers the facility's daily tragedies and occasional triumphs, going inside operating rooms with doctors and nurses who display skill and dedication under agonizing pressure. Filmed over a two-month period, the program follows first-response medevac teams to crash and combat sites, depicts surgeries and amputations in close detail, and records the frustrations and reflections of men and women who touch and treat the effects of war every day. The perspectives of traumatized patients are also explored.


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