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Sokola rimba = The jungle school

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A compelling visual narrative of the struggles Butet Manurung endured to bring education to the jungle people of Jambi province, this film once again demonstrates that life is indeed more powerful ...

A compelling visual narrative of the struggles Butet Manurung endured to bring education to the jungle people of Jambi province, this film once again demonstrates that life is indeed more powerful than fiction. The film celebrates the capacity of one human being to persevere despite great odds and make a difference in the lives of the marginalized and makes one realize that the struggle for indigenous people's rights is real. SOKOLA is a huge eye-opener into the life of the rainforest people of Indonesia and how basic literacy can change the life of not just one person, but a whole community and society!A truly inspiring film, the outstanding cinematography captures the magic of the rainforest and the raw emotions that move its people -- Container.


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