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composed by Pierre Boulez ; directed by Michael Houldey ; choreographed by Maurice Béjart, performed by Ballet du XXe Siècle and Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala. Omnibus : Béjart + Boulez = Ballet. London :British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1973.


composed by Pierre Boulez ; directed by Michael Houldey ; choreographed by Maurice Béjart, performed by Ballet du XXe Siècle and Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala. (1973). Omnibus : Béjart + Boulez = ballet. London :British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),


composed by Pierre Boulez ; directed by Michael Houldey ; choreographed by Maurice Béjart, performed by Ballet du XXe Siècle and Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala. Omnibus : Béjart + Boulez = Ballet. London :British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1973.

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