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Fixing Our Food Habits

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In the first installment of the series we learned that home cooking in many parts of the world is practically a thing of the past. But what we discover in Part 2 is that even while we've put the ki...

In the first installment of the series we learned that home cooking in many parts of the world is practically a thing of the past. But what we discover in Part 2 is that even while we've put the kibosh on preparing meals in our own kitchens, we have a bigger appetite than ever for food television and celebrity chefs. The question we have to ask ourselves is: "How can we stay out of the frozen food aisle?" Top chefs urge us to keep it simple. Fixing our food habits doesn't have to be complicated. Easy recipes with readily available ingredients may be the way back to the kitchen. And our various family heritages and cultural backgrounds may hold important clues.


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