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France Massif Central and Auvergne

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On the rugged plateau of Massif Central and Auvergne the rich green pastures are famous for the six benchmark AOC French cheeses, including three semi-hard varieties that date back to the twelfth-c...

On the rugged plateau of Massif Central and Auvergne the rich green pastures are famous for the six benchmark AOC French cheeses, including three semi-hard varieties that date back to the twelfth-century. Host Will Studd learns how these three differ on a trip to an abandoned railway tunnel, where more than 3000 cheeses are now matured. Then it's off to a cow fair and the annual transhumance, or seasonal livestock migration, and the village of St Nectaire where a troglodyte dwelling full of cheese that is still matured on rye straw mats.


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