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Children of the Night The Lost Ones

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The problems faced by teenagers considering running away usually seem totally unique and insurmountable. Children of the Night begins by showing viewers that they aren't alone and encouraging them ...

The problems faced by teenagers considering running away usually seem totally unique and insurmountable. Children of the Night begins by showing viewers that they aren't alone and encouraging them to find other methods to work out their problems. Visit Hollywood - a haven for teenage runaways from all over the country who are hoping to be "discovered." Learn what they discovered the hard way - which is usually far from what they expected when venturing out on their own. Runaways discuss their reasons for turning away from their lives and moving to the streets. Viewers learn what homeless kids do to survive - dealing drugs, panhandling, prostitution - survival techniques typical among runaways. Professionals who work with homeless teenagers discuss the dangers of life on the streets and the fact that many adults take advantage of street kids. Viewers are warned about the addictiveness of life on the streets and how difficult it is to get away once the street habit has become a way of life. Through the real-life experiences of runaways and those who help them survive, viewers learn that turning to the streets should be their last alternative. The streets won't make their problems go away - instead, they will be replaced with permanent and often life-threatening problems.


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