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Zombie : Haiti's Longstanding Tradition

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In the West, zombies may be considered the stuff of Hollywood B films, but in Haiti, they're part of everyday life. Zombies are taken so seriously here that turning a person into one carries the sa...

In the West, zombies may be considered the stuff of Hollywood B films, but in Haiti, they're part of everyday life. Zombies are taken so seriously here that turning a person into one carries the same penalty as murder. As this incisive documentary shows, however, outlawing the practice is doing little to stop it, even though few people in Haiti know the procedure for creating a zombie. Haitians have a long tradition of turning to voodoo to solve their problems. During their struggle for independence, it united the slaves against their Christian masters, helping them drive out the colonists. It is the faith of the poor and one of the country's official religions.


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