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The Nine Months That Made You : Pregnancy and Human Development

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Who and what we become depends on many factors, from the food we eat to the way our parents discipline us. Increasingly, however, it seems that our most important developmental influences begin bef...

Who and what we become depends on many factors, from the food we eat to the way our parents discipline us. Increasingly, however, it seems that our most important developmental influences begin before birth, in the mysterious world of the womb. This program follows research suggesting that a child's disease risks, behavioral traits, and other characteristics derive from gestational causes. Featuring pioneering researcher Dr. David Barker, who decades ago identified a link between low birth weight and heart disease, the film also draws on the expertise of developmental psychologist Dr. Janet DiPietro, autism researcher Dr. Michael Lombardo, and several other authorities. Specific topics include hormonal factors, early brain development, a mother's diet during pregnancy, and that most crucial of all prenatal resources, the placenta.


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