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Mao Tse-tung : The Architect of Modern China

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This program looks at the life, the achievements, and the legacy of Mao Tse-tung: birth, education, enlistment in the revolutionary army revolting against the Manchu dynasty; founding the Communist...

This program looks at the life, the achievements, and the legacy of Mao Tse-tung: birth, education, enlistment in the revolutionary army revolting against the Manchu dynasty; founding the Communist Party and the first Chinese Soviet; break with the Kuomintang and the Long March; formulation of the rectification campaign adapting Marxism to Chinese culture; victory over the Nationalists in 1949; the Great Proletarian Revolution; the Cultural Revolution; swimming the Yangtze; opening to the West and the meeting with Nixon; the death of Chou En-lai; the death of Mao; the fall of the Gang of Four; the opening of a Pepsi factory and tourists on the Great Wall; the Tiananmen massacre.


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