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Freakonomics with Levitt and Dubner

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How do people get what they want? The most primal aim of economics is to find answers to that blunt but telling question-something at which Steven D. Levitt has proved particularly adept. In this A...

How do people get what they want? The most primal aim of economics is to find answers to that blunt but telling question-something at which Steven D. Levitt has proved particularly adept. In this ABC News program, Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, coauthors of the best-selling book Freakonomics, reason out points of convergence between beauty pageant contestants and crack dealers, abortion and prison, children's car seats and DVD players, consumers and tamarin monkeys, and black straight-A students and Hollywood celebrities. Whether a person is likely to give more to a charity if the person collecting for it is attractive is also considered.


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