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Preparation for Bad Fortune

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In chapter 25 of The Prince, Machiavelli tells rulers that fate will take them only so far - they must work to control their own destiny and stay sensitive to social and economic trends that may af...

In chapter 25 of The Prince, Machiavelli tells rulers that fate will take them only so far - they must work to control their own destiny and stay sensitive to social and economic trends that may affect their fortune. This program highlights the importance of anticipating and responding to the challenges of an ever-changing business environment. With Craigslist founder Jim Buckmaster, who says his company relies on input from clientele to determine new directions, and Mads Øvlisen, Bjorn Borg, Dr. Ulrich Bez, Franz Beckenbauer, Stan Shih, Philip Kotler, Steven Hilton, Tony Visconti, and Bruce Cohen.


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