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Joel Schumacher

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He broke into movies as a costume designer, but Joel Schumacher wanted to direct more than anything else. Woody Allen suggested writing as a springboard, prompting screenplays for Car Wash and The ...

He broke into movies as a costume designer, but Joel Schumacher wanted to direct more than anything else. Woody Allen suggested writing as a springboard, prompting screenplays for Car Wash and The Wiz-which in turn led to Schumacher's directorial debut, The Incredible Shrinking Woman. In this program, the veteran filmmaker talks about those early experiences and the prominent directing career they forged. Subjects discussed include the importance of artistic vision, Schumacher's attraction to dark themes and material, and his emphasis on respecting actors rather than tricking them into a good performance. He also touches on his collaboration with Colin Farrell in Tigerland and Phone Booth.


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