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An Uncertain Future

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There are two different Arctics. One is the storybook land of snow and polar bears, while the other has become a breeding ground of petroleum plants and pipelines. Can the two coexist? What fate aw...

There are two different Arctics. One is the storybook land of snow and polar bears, while the other has become a breeding ground of petroleum plants and pipelines. Can the two coexist? What fate awaits the natural Arctic if the technological one expands without restraint? This program explores those questions as it follows research taking place on Bylot Island, home to a portion of Sirmilik National Park, in Canada's Nunavut Territory. Here, scientists have come every summer for the past 20 years to measure the impact of climate change on snowy owls, lemmings, snow geese, and Arctic foxes. Here, they have discovered that even tiny, hardy plants are being affected, causing a cascade of changes through the ecosystem.


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