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Quit to live fighting lung cancer

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ABC News' World News Tonight has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Quitline Consortium to provide viewers with a c...

ABC News' World News Tonight has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Quitline Consortium to provide viewers with a comprehensive look at the leading cause of preventable death in America: lung cancer. This compilation of WNT segments reports on issues ranging from tobacco-related public health policy, to the latest medical advances in lung cancer treatment and prevention, to the efforts of smokers trying to kick the habit during National Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The 16 segments are The Power of Tobacco, What's in a Cigarette, Smokeless Tobacco, Marketing to Kids, Teen Smoking, Women at Risk, Lung Cancer, Detecting Lung Cancer, Addiction, The Quitting Drug, Smoking Bans, Settlement Spending, and Smokers' Video Diary, Parts 1 through 4.


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