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The Rebel pharaoh

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Comparable to Luther's split with Catholicism, Pharaoh Akhenaten's religious revolution caused an upheaval in Egyptian society. This program sheds light on the royal renegade's motives for abruptly...

Comparable to Luther's split with Catholicism, Pharaoh Akhenaten's religious revolution caused an upheaval in Egyptian society. This program sheds light on the royal renegade's motives for abruptly switching to monotheistic sun worship and relocating 50,000 of his people to the hastily planned capital at Armana. Studying several archaeological discoveries-including the tombs of Akhenaten's courtier Aye and servant Perenefa, as well as the site of the Gempaaten adjacent to the Karnak Temple gate-the program examines the complex web of economics, power politics, and religious dogma that pitted the wayward pharaoh against the Theban orthodoxy.


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