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The Bielski brothers

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The Bielski Brothers commanded the largest Jewish partisan group operating in occupied Europe during World War II. They saved the lives of more Jews than Oscar Schindler and took revenge against hu...

The Bielski Brothers commanded the largest Jewish partisan group operating in occupied Europe during World War II. They saved the lives of more Jews than Oscar Schindler and took revenge against hundreds of Nazis and collaborators. Remarkably, their story has never been told before on film. This moving and powerful program tells their unique story and how they built an entire town to house their 1,500 members half-underground in the primordial forests of Byelorussia. The program shows how the twin motivations of survival and revenge drove the Bielski partisans to succeed at all costs. The two surviving Bielski Brothers, who agreed to be interviewed for the first time in this program, explain how their unit was organized, and what life was like for the partisans in their four-year battle to survive and to seek revenge.


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