Mixed Materials

Manitowoc County Board Committee on the Insane and Insane Asylum Board of Trustee records, 1859-1913

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Court orders and Board of Supervisors' orders regarding alleged insane persons, 1859-1871; Committee on the Insane records, 1877-1913; and Asylum Board of Trustees records, 1883-1913. In the absenc...

Court orders and Board of Supervisors' orders regarding alleged insane persons, 1859-1871; Committee on the Insane records, 1877-1913; and Asylum Board of Trustees records, 1883-1913. In the absence of admission logs, the bills of costs and other records in this series serve as a record of Asylum residents until circa 1887 when annual reports and the County Board Proceedings list patient names. The Board of Supervisors, the Committee on the Insane, and the Board of Trustees, cooperated to govern and manage the institution.


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