Mixed Materials; Photos, Drawings, Prints

Ehlinger, Gagen, and Branham logging photographs, ca. 1926-1949

Available as

Informal photographs made at the Ehlinger Lumber Co. camp in Hollister, Wis., in the 1920s; the Gagen Lumber Co. in Gagen, Wis., in 1935; the Ivan Branham camp in Woodruff in 1939; and the C.V. Bra...

Informal photographs made at the Ehlinger Lumber Co. camp in Hollister, Wis., in the 1920s; the Gagen Lumber Co. in Gagen, Wis., in 1935; the Ivan Branham camp in Woodruff in 1939; and the C.V. Branham Lumber Co. in Eagle River, Wis. in 1949. Shown are cooks and other camp workers in 1928., and different methods of hauling logs.


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