Knowledge Translation in Health Care: Moving from Evidence to Practice -- Contents -- List of contributors -- Section 1: Introduction -- Chapter 1.1: Introduction: Knowledge translation: What it is and what it isn't -- What is knowledge translation? -- What is end of grant KT? -- What is integrated KT research? -- Why is KT important? -- What are the determinants of KT? -- What is KT research? -- What is the practice of KT? -- The knowledge to action framework: a model for knowledge translation -- Knowledge creation -- The action cycle -- References -- Chapter 1.2: Integrated knowledge translation -- The KTA gap as a "knowledge transfer" (dissemination) problem -- The KTA gap as a "knowledge production" problem -- Integration of the two paradigms -- Implications for practice -- Summary -- Future research -- References -- Section 2: Knowledge Creation -- Chapter 2.0: Introduction: The K in KT: Knowledge creation -- References -- Chapter 2.1: Knowledge synthesis -- Groups that conduct systematic reviews -- The review team -- How do we formulate the question, eligibility criteria and protocol? -- How do we find relevant studies? -- How do we select studies for inclusion? -- How do we assess the risk of bias of included studies? -- How do we extract data from the individual studies? -- How do we analyze the data? -- How can we present the results of the review? -- How can we interpret the results? -- How do we update systematic reviews prior to publication? -- How do we disseminate the results of our review? -- How do we increase the uptake of our review results? -- Future research -- References -- Chapter 2.2: Knowledge translation tools -- Knowledge translation using clinical practice guidelines -- What are clinical practice guidelines? -- How are clinical practice guidelines developed? -- Do clinical practice guidelines work?
How do we determine the quality of clinical practice guidelines? -- Translating knowledge for patients using decision aids -- What are patient decision aids? -- How are patient decision aids developed? -- Do patient decision aids work? -- How do we determine the quality of patient decision aids? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 2.3: Searching for research findings and KT literature -- Getting started: how do we find knowledge syntheses? -- What should we do next: how do we search large databases? -- Should we search the internet? -- What are some existing collections of KT material? -- How do we search the grey literature? -- Searching for literature about knowledge translation -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 2.4: Knowledge dissemination: End of grant knowledge translation -- When is knowledge ready for dissemination? -- What is knowledge dissemination? -- What are the fundamentals of end of project KT=dissemination? -- Goals -- Audience -- Strategies -- Expertise -- Resources -- What is known about effective dissemination strategies? -- What is an integrated KT approach to dissemination? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Section 3: The Action Cycle -- Chapter 3.0: Introduction -- References -- Chapter 3.1: Identifying knowledge to action gaps -- What is a "gap?" -- How can we measure the gap? -- Measuring the gap at the population level -- Measuring the gap at the organization level -- Measuring the gap at the care provider level -- Why do gaps exist? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.2: Adapting knowledge to local context -- Why should we adapt clinical practice guidelines for local use? -- How do we adapt clinical practice guidelines for local use? -- What is the adaptation process? -- Summary -- Future research -- References -- Subsection 3.3: Barriers
Chapter 3.3a: Barriers and facilitators: Strategies for identification and measurement -- Introduction -- Why are barriers and facilitators to knowledge use important? -- What are some of the conceptual models for assessing barriers and facilitators to knowledge use? -- What are some methods and tools for assessing barriers and facilitators to knowledge use? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.3b: Mapping KT interventions to barriers and facilitators -- What are the key concepts for mapping interventions to barriers and facilitators? -- Common sense approaches -- Semi-structured interview methods -- Plan-Do-Study-Act approach -- Theory-based approaches -- Intervention Mapping -- Behavior change technique matrix -- What are the challenges of intervention design? -- Future research -- References -- Subsection 3.4: Selecting KT interventions -- Chapter 3.4a: Developing and selecting knowledge translation interventions -- Getting started: what are the objectives for knowledge translation? -- What are the indicators that can be used to measure implementation? -- What are potential determinants of practice? -- How can we link KT interventions to these determinants? -- What factors should we consider when deciding to use a single or multi-component KT intervention? -- Research that is needed to advance the field -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4b: Formal educational interventions -- What is the role of education? -- What is the process for education? -- What educational interventions can we use to effect knowledge translation? -- Large group sessions -- Small group learning -- Distance education techniques -- Self-directed learning -- What are some current and future trends in CE? -- Future research -- References -- Chapter 3.4c: Linkage and exchange interventions
What linkage and exchange interventions can be used to positively influence knowledge use? -- Linkage and exchange interventions -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4d: Audit and feedback interventions -- Chart audits -- Audit and feedback -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4e: Informatics interventions -- What sources of data can be used for planning and evaluating KT projects? -- What informatics interventions might be effective in achieving KT? -- Multifaceted educational interventions with new informatics tools (mobile health) -- Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) -- Summary -- Future research -- References -- Chapter 3.4f: Patient-direct and patient-mediated KT interventions -- Patient-direct interventions -- Do patient-direct interventions work? -- Patient-mediated interventions -- Do patient-mediated interventions work? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4g: Organizational interventions -- Perspective 1: resource based view (RBV) of the firm -- Perspective 2: critical management studies -- Perspective 3: organizational form -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4h: Shared decision making -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.4i: Financial incentive interventions -- What different types of financial incentives are there? -- What is the behavioral response to financial incentives? -- How can financial incentives affect professional practice? -- What is the evidence for the effectiveness of financial incentives? -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.5: Monitoring knowledge use and evaluating outcomes -- Monitoring knowledge use -- How can knowledge use be measured? -- Evaluating the impact of knowledge use -- Methods for evaluating KT interventions -- Future research -- References -- Chapter 3.6: Sustaining knowledge use
What is sustainability? -- What sustainability models are available to inform knowledge translation? -- How can sustainability-oriented action plans be developed? -- Sustainability tensions -- How should KT interventions be scaled up and spread? -- What models exist for spreading and scaling up KT Strategies? -- How should KT interventions be adapted and sustained? -- Sustainability: not an all or nothing phenomenon -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Subsection 3.7: Case examples -- Chapter 3.7a: Illustrating the knowledge to action cycle: An integrated knowledge translation research approach in wound care -- Context for the case study -- Knowledge creation: a brief history of the evidence for compression therapy -- The action cycle -- Adapting knowledge to local context -- Assessing barriers to knowledge use -- Selecting, tailoring, and implementing interventions to promote the use of the guideline -- Monitoring knowledge use (i.e. guideline recommendations adherence) -- Evaluating outcomes -- Sustaining knowledge use -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3.7b: Tips on implementation -- Introduction -- Where do we start? -- How far can we go in adapting the knowledge to the local context? -- How do we organize an assessment of barriers and facilitators? -- How do we "connect" the phases and choose implementation strategies? -- What if the implementation plan does not work? -- We have taken actions to select, tailor and implement change strategies: Now what? -- References -- Section 4: Theories and Models of Knowledge to Action -- Chapter 4.1: Planned action theories -- Future research -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 4.2: Cognitive psychology theories of change in provider behavior -- Theories related to motivation -- Theories related to action -- Theories related to stages of change -- Theories related to decision making