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Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus (Motion picture : 1967)
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"A tragic legend written down in the sixteenth century wherein a learned scientist honoured with the laurels of his university, sold his soul to the devil for still greater knowledge and power in t...

"A tragic legend written down in the sixteenth century wherein a learned scientist honoured with the laurels of his university, sold his soul to the devil for still greater knowledge and power in the unknown." - title screen. Deeply unsatisfied with God's decree that the reward of sin is death, Dr. John Faustus, a scholar at Wittenberg, opts to cut a deal with Lucifer. The contract--signed in Faustus's blood--stipulates that the doctor receive the services of Lucifer's lackey, Mephistopheles, for a period of 24 years, during which he has access to all knowledge, beauty, power as well as returned youth. In exchange, Lucifer receives Faustus's renunciation of Christ and, at the end of the 24 years, the doctor's soul, which he may torment in the pit of Hell for all eternity.


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