
Unhooking the moon

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Marie Claire, aka the Rat, is a dancing, soccer-playing, fearless ten-year-old, often protected by her brother Bob. When their father dies, the two leave home in Winnipeg, Canada and head for New Y...

Marie Claire, aka the Rat, is a dancing, soccer-playing, fearless ten-year-old, often protected by her brother Bob. When their father dies, the two leave home in Winnipeg, Canada and head for New York determined to find their uncle in America and discover a new life for themselves. On their adventures across the flatlands of Winnipeg and through the exciting streets of New York, Bob and the Rat make friends with a hilarious con man and a famous rap star, and escape numerous dangers. But is their uncle a rich business man, or is the word on the street, that he something more sinister, true? And will they ever find him?


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