Sound Recordings

Leaders eat last : why some teams pull together and others don't

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Sinek reveals how to create happier and healthier organizations. He helps us understand the biology of trust and cooperation and why they're essential to our success and fulfillment. Organizations ...

Sinek reveals how to create happier and healthier organizations. He helps us understand the biology of trust and cooperation and why they're essential to our success and fulfillment. Organizations that create environments in which trust and cooperation thrive vastly out perform their competition and their employees love working there. But "truly human" cultures don't just happen; they are intentionally created by great leaders. Leaders who, in hard times, would sooner sacrifice their numbers to protect their people, rather than sacrifice people to protect their numbers, are rewarded with deeply loyal teams that consistently contribute their best efforts, ideas and passion. Sinek illustrates his points with true stories from many fields.


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