
Phytosfere '99 highlights in European plant biotechnology research and technology transfer : proceedings of the second European Conference on Plant Biotechnology, held in Rome, Italy, 7-9 June 1999

European Conference on Plant Biotechnology (2nd : 1999 : Rome, Italy)
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Humans face the challenge of producing enough food to meet the demands imposed by economic, biological and agricultural factors: rising population; rising income; and an expectation of higher quali...

Humans face the challenge of producing enough food to meet the demands imposed by economic, biological and agricultural factors: rising population; rising income; and an expectation of higher quality food and a more diverse diet; decreasing amount of land available for food production; lowering environmental impact of agricultural practices and preserving biodiversity. Biotechnology is one of the most exciting and dynamic industries of our day. It offers us the possibility of reducing our dependence on intensive farming. Plant biotechnology is central to the search for effective, environ


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