Citation Data


Rafferty, Max, 1917-1982. 1972 Supplement to Col. A. G. Rudd's "Bending the Twig". New York :Trustees of the Augustin G. Rudd Educational Fund New York Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, 1972.


Rafferty, Max, 1917-1982. (1972). 1972 supplement to Col. A. G. Rudd's "Bending the Twig". New York :Trustees of the Augustin G. Rudd Educational Fund New York Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution,


Rafferty, Max, 1917-1982. 1972 Supplement to Col. A. G. Rudd's "Bending the Twig". New York :Trustees of the Augustin G. Rudd Educational Fund New York Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, 1972.

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