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Filmed as a classical tragedy, Orson Welles's Othello is a tale of passion, jealousy, and murder. Welles used his earnings from several performances to finance the production, which was shot over s...

Filmed as a classical tragedy, Orson Welles's Othello is a tale of passion, jealousy, and murder. Welles used his earnings from several performances to finance the production, which was shot over several years across multiple locations including Italy and Morocco. The footage was well matched photographically, resulting in an artistically brave compression of a great play. In the title role, Welles shows us a man who has fought many wars but still maintains a princely disposition. As Desdemona, Suzanne Cloutier is guileless but strong enough to have wanted and pursued the Moor. In a rare filmed role, Micheál MacLiammóir excels as the diabolical Iago, a master of manipulating appearances and devoid of any motive save pure evil.


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