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Granada Television International ; produced by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin ; produced and directed by Melissa Llewelyn-Davies ; writer and associate producer, Elizabeth W. Fernea. Saints and Spirits. Brooklyn, NY :First Run/Icarus films, 2008.


Granada Television International ; produced by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin ; produced and directed by Melissa Llewelyn-Davies ; writer and associate producer, Elizabeth W. Fernea. (2008). Saints and spirits. Brooklyn, NY :First Run/Icarus films,


Granada Television International ; produced by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin ; produced and directed by Melissa Llewelyn-Davies ; writer and associate producer, Elizabeth W. Fernea. Saints and Spirits. Brooklyn, NY :First Run/Icarus films, 2008.

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