
The world of Leon

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Leon without question must rank among the foremost contemporary poets. He excels perhaps in his exquisite attention to the medium itself, exploiting with confidence but without distortion the valid...

Leon without question must rank among the foremost contemporary poets. He excels perhaps in his exquisite attention to the medium itself, exploiting with confidence but without distortion the valid intricacies of syntax and image. If there is one figure who is a key to the whole, it is Leon, standing as he does at the crossroads of Dada, traditionalism, Pop Art, romanticism, Cubism, lettrism, classicism, Marxism, Hard Edge, militancy, Richard Kostelanetz, Vorticism, vogeurism, chauvinism, Imagism, symbolism, neo-classicism, Zen, neo-Elyzabethanism, minimalism, Maoism, and Thomistic Platonism. --Donald Hall.


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