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Think green. Episode 8

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Freight Returns To The Waterways - With the cost of road haulage spiraling upwards, canals are becoming an attractive alternative. Somali Award - A Somalian woman has won the largest award for gras...

Freight Returns To The Waterways - With the cost of road haulage spiraling upwards, canals are becoming an attractive alternative. Somali Award - A Somalian woman has won the largest award for grassroots environmentalists. Environment Trees - How lichen is an excellent indicator of air pollution. Palm Island Project - Environmentalists say that its destabilizing the delicate marine ecosystem. Recycling Centre - This facility uses light beams to sort the recycled materials into individual groups. Hybrid Taxis - Ford motor company has introduced a mini fleet of hybrid taxi cabs to serve New York. Belgian Blood - Our blood could be contaminated by at least 18 potentially dangerous chemicals. Eco Photo Exhibition - A photographic competition to increase awareness of the worlds environment and development problems.


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