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Natural State. Episode 24

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Netherlands Wheel - A new electric motor that is hidden in the wheel of bus is set to dramatically cut costs. Sex And death In An Orchard - New and inventive ways of stopping fruit being attacked b...

Netherlands Wheel - A new electric motor that is hidden in the wheel of bus is set to dramatically cut costs. Sex And death In An Orchard - New and inventive ways of stopping fruit being attacked by moths are being explored in the UK. Norway Ice - Here we visit the world's largest on ground satellite. Red Kites - A look at new ways of protecting and monitoring these rare English birds. Eco Surfboards - UK surfers have developed a board made entirely of natural fibres. Bionet Summit - An annual conference focusing on the integration of species. Water Requirements - An investigation has taken place Into making safer water for millions around the world. Organic Festival - A London event that raises awareness of the benefits of organic foods. Conservation Monitoring Centre - We look at a new headquarters for world environmental issues. Waterways Festival - An annual celebration of Britain's vast inland waterway systems.


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