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Grangeton town

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Find out how Grange Primary School, Nottingham is making school fun and improving performance. The school has two shops, a canteen, a craft centre, museum, a TV and radio station, all run by fully ...

Find out how Grange Primary School, Nottingham is making school fun and improving performance. The school has two shops, a canteen, a craft centre, museum, a TV and radio station, all run by fully trained pupils working to AS level standards. Not bad from a primary school which was under-achieving three years ago.The school aims to make learning relevant to everyday life and every Friday afternoon is timetabled for the children to work on their Grangeton enterprise. By the time the pupils reach year four they able to apply for management positions running the various enterprises in the village. In order to do this they have to apply and then be interviewed by pupils currently working in that field. Such is the success of the project the local secondary school have asked Grange Primary to help to develop Grangeton Village for secondary level.


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